Atlanta Alternative Dispute Resolution Attorney
Offering Tailored Solutions for Peaceful Resolutions
Not all divorces involve the traditional picture of two parties battling it out in a courtroom. Many divorce cases involve those who just need professional assistance to ensure everything is accomplished properly. You should know that you have other options-solutions that foster courtesy, communication, and low conflict. Our team at Warner Bates McGinnis & Anthony is proud to support clients in Atlanta through family law and divorce issues using methods that promote conversation and cooperation. We recommend these alternatives whenever possible and in the best interests of our clients.
We look forward to telling you more about these alternative solutions. Contact Warner Bates McGinnis & Anthony at (770) 766-8148 to learn more.
When It Comes to Dispute Resolution, Know Your Options.
Deciding divorce and other family law disputes through alternative dispute resolution (ADR) provides many benefits, including significant reductions in fees, stress, and the time necessary to complete the case.
Read more about these methods of ADR:
When in their best interest, we encourage clients to explore settlement options using ADR whenever possible. Even situations where trust has evaporated and tensions are high, disputes can often be resolved out of court to the satisfaction of all parties with the assistance of a qualified and experienced third party in order to facilitate effective communication. In cases where no final agreement is reached through ADR, it can create efficiencies and reduce costs as part of the process to reach an adjudicated settlement.