Carissa Boatner
Carissa Boatner has been a paralegal professional at Warner Bates for more than 16 years. With 25 years' of legal experience, she has worked in multiple practice areas, including family law, criminal law, personal injury, workers’ compensation, social security, estate planning, probate, real estate, zoning, corporate, appeals and general litigation. She particularly enjoys family law as it involves a great diversity of issues and offers the opportunity to help people going through very challenging transitions. Carissa treats the firm’s clients with professionalism, understanding, and compassion and devotes herself to providing every client with personal attention and the best possible service.
Carissa is a member of the Georgia Association of Paralegals, the National Federation of Paralegal Associations and the National Association of Legal Assistants. She earned her Professional Paralegal Certificate from Georgia Highlands College.
Carissa is a native of Cedartown, Georgia where she began a part-time college job as a law firm ‘runner’ right after high school. She soon realized that a legal career was exactly what she wanted.