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Local Food Drive Event -- Warner Bates Fundraises 7,445 Meals


The 7th Annual Legal Food Frenzy was recently organized and held in part by the Young Lawyers Division of the State Bar of Georgia, the Georgia Food Bank Association, and the Office of Attorney General Georgia. The purpose of the charitable event is getting the local legal community involved to fundraise money used to buy meals for families in need. This year, more than 1.61 million meals can be provided to food banks around the state thanks to the charitable efforts and fundraising, and Warner Bates is proud to have played a big part.

Under the guidance of one of our partners, our Atlanta family law firm was able to fundraise the equivalent of 7,445 meals for the Legal Food Frenzy. In other terms, we raised nearly $1,900 and 30 pounds of food that will be used by the Atlanta Community Food Bank. We are excited to have participated in this endeavor and strive to give back to the community whenever possible.

We would also like to take this time to thank everyone who helped make this event and its overwhelming success possible. Huge thanks must be given to all those who helped organize it, and who will do so next year and for years to come. A total of 235 law firms and 17,000 legal professionals in Georgia participated, and so great appreciation must be given to all of those caring businesses and individuals as well. This really is a community effort that takes us all to accomplish.

Are you interested in seeing how you can help fundraise meals for the hungry in your community? You can click here to visit the official Georgia Legal Food Frenzy website. Even if you do not have the resources to donate directly, just spreading the word of this charitable campaign is a big help that we all appreciate! For more information about Warner Bates and our family law and divorce services in Atlanta, please feel free to contact our law firm at any time.
