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Georgia Divorce Timeline

a man researching divorce

Getting divorced is an overwhelming process that may seem never-ending. Breaking down the factors that will impact the length of your divorce will help you stay prepared. The Atlanta divorce attorneys at Warner Bates McGinnis & Anthony has put together the divorce process and timeline.

The Process of Divorce

Once you or your spouse file for divorce, there will be many different factors involved in the process. The divorce will ultimately dissolve the marriage and divide assets and debts. However, if a couple has minor children, they will also need to resolve issues like child custody, visitation, and child support. These factors will ultimately determine the overall divorce process.

How Long Is the Divorce Process?

The length of your divorce will depend on the complexity of your case. If you and your spouse reach an agreement with complex issues, such as custody and alimony, then the process can take as little as two months. However, if you and your spouse disagree with issues involved in the divorce, it may take longer to finalize your divorce papers. You will need to negotiate with your spouse to come up with an agreement. Having an experienced attorney on your side will help you take the right steps toward achieving your desired outcome.

Experienced Atlanta Divorce Attorneys

If you need legal guidance with your divorce, the Atlanta divorce lawyers at Warner Bates McGinnis & Anthony are ready to help you. The divorce process is complex and often unique to your specific situation. For that reason, you need a legal team that will develop a case tailored to your needs and desired outcome. For over 40 years, our legal team has been helping families throughout Atlanta obtain their desired divorce outcome. Our team is ready to help you too.

Need legal guidance? Contact our lawyers today at (770) 766-8148 to schedule a consultation!