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What Should I ask for in My Divorce Settlement?

divorce agreement

Ending your marriage is not like any other breakup where you can say it’s over and then move on with your life. Couples must divide their assets and debts, decide on child custody, and think about support orders.

No one wants to “lose” out on anything they feel is rightfully theirs in the divorce process. One spouse may feel they should have sole legal custody, and the other spouse may feel entitled to the family home. Trying to “win” over the other party isn’t the best way to approach your divorce. Instead, you should consider how you can reach a fair settlement.

Considerations to Think About for Your Divorce Settlement

Before jumping in and making demands for your divorce settlement, you should first think through some of these critical issues.

Family Home

Keeping the marital home may be your top priority, especially if you have minor children. Sometimes, this isn’t always the smartest decision financially. As a single homeowner, you’ll have to consider if you can afford the mortgage and property taxes. Before asking for this asset, think about how it will affect your future financial situation.


As you work through dividing your assets, do not neglect retirement funds or health insurance. Even after you separate, you may be eligible to receive your ex’s benefits, and you should ask for your fair share.


Unless there has been a history of substance abuse or violence, it’s important for your child to have a close relationship with both parents. Some parents think they should fight for sole legal and physical custody, but that often goes against the child’s best interests.

Negotiating a Fair Divorce Settlement

One of the best ways to negotiate a fair divorce settlement that is also beneficial for you is to find an attorney who understands your needs. They can help you understand your rights and stand up for you.

Reach out to our Georgia divorce lawyers today at (770) 766-8148 to schedule a consultation!
